The LIE That Changed The World


Romans slaughtered and enslaved millions of Jews in Israel. Only one thousand remained to seek refuge in a remote stronghold on the top of an isolated rock plateau overlooking the Dead Sea. The Romans ignored them until told that the King of Israel, named Jesus, was hiding in the remote fortress. The Romans immediately surrounded the mountain called Masada. They feared Jesus and were committed to destroying him. To reach the massive fort located 1300 feet above, they built access using thousands of Jewish slaves. Knowing the Romans would soon penetrate their citadel, Jesus and his wife, Mary Magdalene, wrote a historical scroll explaining his relationship with God and how he survived the crucifixion to live until he was 80 years old. The hastily written scroll revealed his early life and how he became King of Israel. It was completed and hidden beneath Masada just hours before the Romans entered the fortress. The scroll was then discovered 1900 years later in a storage area deep within the Vatican and its secrets revealed to the world.

A recent 5 star review—

“The LIE That Changed the World is an intriguing and thought provoking story that grabs your attention because even though it is familiar, it is a plausible alternative narrative that seamlessly flows into accepted historical and religious writings.

John Schwartz has written a powerful story that interprets historical fact in a new way. The writing is direct and eloquent. The reader can clearly visualize Jesus growing into the King of the Jews, preaching on the shores of the Galilee, facing the high priest, being sentenced by Pilate, the deception of the crucifixion and the eventual escape to Masada.

The whole concept of Jesus as Messiah is redefined. The story grabs your attention and imagination and keeps you riveted until the very end. Then you start to think and wonder…”

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